Water source to the Hub. Solar panels at the emergency center and beach hall.
Clean water to the marae, Solar to the community hall, emergency centre and hub.
This initiative has been completed . Thank you to Angela Hetherington for championing the solar component and to Allan Moore for championing the Marae water supply options.
The benefits of solar and the savings that can be made from solar installation are well known. Hubbands Energy in Whangarei installed solar panels on the Whananaki Emergency Services Centre and the Whananaki Hall. Both buildings are connected to the power grid enabling credits.
The Initial engineer’s report on the water quality for the marae water supply indicated high levels of ecoli in the local waterways which was the source of the Marae water.
A new system utilising tanks was included in the specifications for the Whakapaumahara Marae water, sewerage and wharepaku upgrade. The marae were able to source funding for Marae development via the Oranga Marae and Foundation North to complete the upgrade. http://www.111emergency.co.nz/S-W/WhananakiVRFF.htm
Solar energy will reach long-term financial gains for the community as solar panels generate their own energy. Any excess energy can be fed back into the power companies who may then offer a credit. Of greater significance, solar energy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, therefore our community however small, is contributing to reducing the carbon footprint.
The marae now has a ‘drinking quality’ water supply.
Cld meet the first Tuesday of every month, at the beach hall. We invite you to join us.
We are always looking for volunteers to champion our community initiatives.
Nau Mai Haere Mai