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Ambulance Service during Level 3 & 4 Lockdown
Chala Chase • September 5, 2021

Waka Manāki


Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko koe ki tēnā, ko ahau ki tēnei kīwai o te kete. On behalf of Hato Hone St John Ambulance, we hope you and your whānau are keeping well during this alert level and acknowledge the mahi you are doing to support your whānau. We also wish to advise you of the measures we have put in place to ensure that we keep everyone safe while working under Alert Level 3 & 4. You might notice some differences when you call an ambulance which are in place to keep whānau and our kaimahi safe.

 > Our kaimahi are wearing masks and gloves when attending all patients. > Sometimes we may be wearing additional items such as a gown and safety glasses. > If possible, please wear a mask/face covering before our arrival. > When we first arrive, we will be keeping our distance just until we understand a bit more. We are starting our kōrero with you using some important pātai to understand if anyone in the whare has symptoms of COVID-19 or has had any contact with places or people relating to COVID.

 > Please be advised that whānau may not be able to travel in the ambulance, depending on the patient’s condition. This is necessary to protect the safety of whānau and the wider hapori. They are able, however, to take a mobile phone with them so please help them with this to ensure you can maintain contact. During transport we will ask you to wear a mask as well. > We will encourage you to use our QR code in the ambulance. These precautions are in place for any member of the public that calls for an ambulance to ensure the haumaru and wellbeing of our whānau, kaimahi and wider hapori. Although there may be a delay, our ambulance crews will still respond to you and your help ensures they can take the appropriate steps to keep everyone safe on arrival. For more information follow this link: Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui.

Ngā manaakitanga, Hato Hone St John Ambulance

Waka Manāki


Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko koe ki tēnā, ko ahau ki tēnei kīwai o te kete. On behalf of Hato Hone St John Ambulance, we hope you and your whānau are keeping well during this alert level and acknowledge the mahi you are doing to support your whānau. We also wish to advise you of the measures we have put in place to ensure that we keep everyone safe while working under Alert Level 3 & 4. You might notice some differences when you call an ambulance which are in place to keep whānau and our kaimahi safe.

 > Our kaimahi are wearing masks and gloves when attending all patients. > Sometimes we may be wearing additional items such as a gown and safety glasses. > If possible, please wear a mask/face covering before our arrival. > When we first arrive, we will be keeping our distance just until we understand a bit more. We are starting our kōrero with you using some important pātai to understand if anyone in the whare has symptoms of COVID-19 or has had any contact with places or people relating to COVID.

 > Please be advised that whānau may not be able to travel in the ambulance, depending on the patient’s condition. This is necessary to protect the safety of whānau and the wider hapori. They are able, however, to take a mobile phone with them so please help them with this to ensure you can maintain contact. During transport we will ask you to wear a mask as well. > We will encourage you to use our QR code in the ambulance. These precautions are in place for any member of the public that calls for an ambulance to ensure the haumaru and wellbeing of our whānau, kaimahi and wider hapori. Although there may be a delay, our ambulance crews will still respond to you and your help ensures they can take the appropriate steps to keep everyone safe on arrival. For more information follow this link: Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui.

Ngā manaakitanga, Hato Hone St John Ambulance

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