Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koe i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi. Kua tae mai a Hineraumati, ki te wā e noho tahi ai te whānau. Ko te tūmanako ka noho haumaru koutou katoa.
We are pleased to bring you our final pānui for the year.
We acknowledge all the challenges our community has faced due to the impact of Covid-19. As we adjust to the new COVID-19 Protection Framework we recognise the efforts of many towards protecting the health and wellbeing of whānau.
We acknowledge those loved ones who have passed on and recognise their contributions to our community.
Whananaki is our piece of paradise.
If you read the end of year edition of the Bridge newsletter you will no doubt have seen all the achievements of various community members. Thank you to Jackie Cooper and the team for putting that iconic newsletter together.
In the CLD Community led development space we are pleased to report that this year we reached several key milestones.
We transitioned into a Charitable Trust – Te Whana o Nanakia Trust
We submitted the community HUB plans for building consent to Council. Well done Tama Moore and the team. Next step is to work on the funds to build the HUB!
We employed four locals - Kim, Charles, Titan and Jason to develop a local native nursery from scratch with help from experts Dennis Scott (award winning landscaper), Jamie Hancock (trainer /coach) and Tania Tipene (horticulture specialist). Its early days but we will be building our small setup over the summer break, thanks to Pera Waetford. We are watering 10,000 natives ready to plant later in the new year. We have some manuka plants to share so come check us out after the holiday break. If you are interested in food sovereignty we will be getting a maara kai underway behind the marae. We will also be sharing our learnings on indigenous biodiversity.
4-We have just completed our first contemporary Pou. Nga mihi Anthony Walters and the team for your amazing talents. We look forward to unveiling the pou early in the new year and sharing the korero. Hopefully this is the first of a series of contemporary pou sharing our stories and places of significance.
5. We have made a start on developing ‘story telling skills’. In the new year we plan to have a film evening – featuring several of the locals. This will definitely be a fun evening out. Volunteer to have your story told!
6. We started Social Enterprise classes with the youth and tested a couple of products, now its time to look at marketing, so watch this space over the summer break for some workshops.
7. We completed our evaluation with help from Denise Bijoux. Lots of learnings and always room for improvement! A copy will be posted up on the website.
8. We invited Tineka Waetford on board as the newest member of the CLD Coordination team. Tineka brings a youth perspective to the mix and is keen to develop her videography skills, so don’t be surprised if she asks you for a minute of your time to share a ‘moment in time about Whananaki.’
There are also many other wonderful initiatives happening in the community.
A big ups to those who are working on the wharf restoration. This is a very important initiative for our community.
The Whakapaumahara marae development is also progressing. We look forward to the opening mid 2022.
We would also like to acknowledge our local school, the wonderful teachers, the PTA and the students. The community was treated to an awesome evening of entertainment with a fantastic kapa performance. We can all be proud of their efforts.
Finally an acknowledgement to our partners in the CLD journey – the DIA who have modelled the principles of partnership. A big ups to Darren Collins for showing us the ‘super power’ of consistency.
Nga mihi ki a koutou katoa
“Wishing you all the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of love at Christmas and always.”
Na, Whananaki CLD
aka Te Whana o Nanakia Trust
Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koe i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi. Kua tae mai a Hineraumati, ki te wā e noho tahi ai te whānau. Ko te tūmanako ka noho haumaru koutou katoa.
We are pleased to bring you our final pānui for the year.
We acknowledge all the challenges our community has faced due to the impact of Covid-19. As we adjust to the new COVID-19 Protection Framework we recognise the efforts of many towards protecting the health and wellbeing of whānau.
We acknowledge those loved ones who have passed on and recognise their contributions to our community.
Whananaki is our piece of paradise.
If you read the end of year edition of the Bridge newsletter you will no doubt have seen all the achievements of various community members. Thank you to Jackie Cooper and the team for putting that iconic newsletter together.
In the CLD Community led development space we are pleased to report that this year we reached several key milestones.
We transitioned into a Charitable Trust – Te Whana o Nanakia Trust
We submitted the community HUB plans for building consent to Council. Well done Tama Moore and the team. Next step is to work on the funds to build the HUB!
We employed four locals - Kim, Charles, Titan and Jason to develop a local native nursery from scratch with help from experts Dennis Scott (award winning landscaper), Jamie Hancock (trainer /coach) and Tania Tipene (horticulture specialist). Its early days but we will be building our small setup over the summer break, thanks to Pera Waetford. We are watering 10,000 natives ready to plant later in the new year. We have some manuka plants to share so come check us out after the holiday break. If you are interested in food sovereignty we will be getting a maara kai underway behind the marae. We will also be sharing our learnings on indigenous biodiversity.
4-We have just completed our first contemporary Pou. Nga mihi Anthony Walters and the team for your amazing talents. We look forward to unveiling the pou early in the new year and sharing the korero. Hopefully this is the first of a series of contemporary pou sharing our stories and places of significance.
5. We have made a start on developing ‘story telling skills’. In the new year we plan to have a film evening – featuring several of the locals. This will definitely be a fun evening out. Volunteer to have your story told!
6. We started Social Enterprise classes with the youth and tested a couple of products, now its time to look at marketing, so watch this space over the summer break for some workshops.
7. We completed our evaluation with help from Denise Bijoux. Lots of learnings and always room for improvement! A copy will be posted up on the website.
8. We invited Tineka Waetford on board as the newest member of the CLD Coordination team. Tineka brings a youth perspective to the mix and is keen to develop her videography skills, so don’t be surprised if she asks you for a minute of your time to share a ‘moment in time about Whananaki.’
There are also many other wonderful initiatives happening in the community.
A big ups to those who are working on the wharf restoration. This is a very important initiative for our community.
The Whakapaumahara marae development is also progressing. We look forward to the opening mid 2022.
We would also like to acknowledge our local school, the wonderful teachers, the PTA and the students. The community was treated to an awesome evening of entertainment with a fantastic kapa performance. We can all be proud of their efforts.
Finally an acknowledgement to our partners in the CLD journey – the DIA who have modelled the principles of partnership. A big ups to Darren Collins for showing us the ‘super power’ of consistency.
Nga mihi ki a koutou katoa
“Wishing you all the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of love at Christmas and always.”
Na, Whananaki CLD
aka Te Whana o Nanakia Trust
Cld meet the first Tuesday of every month, at the beach hall. We invite you to join us.
We are always looking for volunteers to champion our community initiatives.
Nau Mai Haere Mai